How Job Burnout Develops among Female Teachers of Marivan City

Document Type : Scientific - Research


1 Faculty member of Tehran University

2 Graduated from Kharazmi University with a master's degree in educational research


This study was conducted to investigate the stages of job burnout formation among high school female teachers in Marivan. To do this, ten teachers with over twelve years of experience selected via three methods of simple, purposive, and snowball sampling were profoundly interviewed. The present study was done using phenomenological method. Results of data analysis indicated that job burnout includes five stages: 1. Realization of crisis; 2. Conflict; 3. Fatigue; 4. Crisis and 5. Deadlock. To ensure the validity of the data during the formation of the categories, the advisor’s comments and during the final formation of the categories, the informers’ comments were exerted.


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