The Effect of Perception of Professional Development on Job Involvement, Job Content Plateau and Job Burnout among Primary School Teachers in Kashan

Document Type : Scientific - Research


1 Master of Educational Research - Kharazmi University

2 Faculty member of Tehran University


Despite the fact that majority of studies in the field of career development have examined the role of this variable in the improvement of student learning; the aim of the present study was to evaluate the conceptual model of the implications of career development of teachers from an individual dimension. This study specifically investigated the perception of career development on job involvement, career content plateau and teacher burnout. The method of this study was descriptive and correlational. The statistical sample consisted of 180 primary school teachers in the city of Kashan which were selected using the stratified random sampling. To collect the required data, four questionnaires including Kanungo’s Job Involvement Scale (1982), Burnout Inventory by Maslach (2001), Milliman’s Career Plateau Questionnaire (1992), and Career Development Perception Scale of Chamberlain (2008) were used. To analyze the data in a descriptive manner and to examine the fitness of the conceptual model as well as the hypotheses of the study, the SPSS-20 and the Amos-20 soft wares were employed.  The results of the examination of the conceptual model revealed the good fitness of the data to the conceptual model and the model proposed was generally confirmed. The exploration of the research hypotheses showed that the perception of career development has an effect on job involvement (β=0.41 p<0.01), career content plateau (β=-0.25, p <0.01) and teacher burnout (β=-0.30, p<0.01). Moreover, the results demonstrated that teacher’s job involvement and career content plateau have mediating roles in the relationship between the perception of career development and teacher burnout. Therefore, given the significance of the perception of career development and its impact on individual outcomes, more attention and planning in order to improve teachers’ career development is of utmost importance.


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