Effect of Leader Member Exchange (LMX) on organizational climate

Document Type : Scientific - Research


Faculty member of Shahid Beheshti University Counseling Department


This study aimed to investigate the effect of Leader Member Exchange (LMX) on organizational climate, using the quasi-experimental approach. The sample included 60 employees selected at random from SoorehUniversity to participate in this research. For pretest the participants responded to Preziosi's (1980) Organizational Diagnosis Questionnaire(ODQ) which assesses seven dimensions of organizational climate(Purpose, Structure _ Leadership_Relationship-Rewards- Helpful  mechanism_Attitude toward change ). After an interval of eight months all sample responded to the ODQ once again as the posttest. Results showed significant differences between pretest and posttest scores in terms of Purpose, Leadership, Relationship, Helpful mechanism and Attitude toward change. Pretest scores of men and women were found to be significantly different in terms of Rewards.


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