Experience of School-to-School Collaborations: Development of A Grounded Theory by Situation Analysis Approach

Document Type : Scientific - Research


1 Professor of the Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Kurdistan, Kurdistan, Iran

2 MA, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Kurdistan, Kurdistan, Iran


Objectives: One of the most significant developments in school leadership is how schools have learned to cooperate in various fields for many reasons. Therefore, the current research aims to represent the experiences of school community members from innovative and undiscovered situations and processes of "school-to-school cooperation" which have been useful in school leadership and academic achievement of students.
Materials and Methods: This research was conducted with a qualitative approach and Grounded theory method with Clark’s Situation Analysis model. The research field was Education in Kurdistan province and the potential participants in the research were members of the school community (principals, deputies, teachers, parents, etc.) who had the experience of school-to-school cooperation and collaboration. Therefore, 33 people were purposefully and critically invited to actively participate in the research. Data were collected by using a semi-structured interview protocol. Coding (open, axial, and selective) was used to analyze the data obtained from the interview. The position is depicted by analyzing different types of school-to-school collaboration and by examining human and inhuman components, individual and collective factors, discourse structures, and cultural, social, economic, spatial, and temporal components. Finally, maps of the situation, social worlds/arenas, and positions were drawn and analyzed as stages of the level analysis situation. In the present study, and after data coding, strategies such as the long and active participation of the researcher in the research field, using voice recorders and taking notes to record data, searching for inconsistent evidence, and obtaining feedback from participants were used to increase the validity and reliability of the research.
Discussion and Conclusions: The findings of the research showed that the logic of the formation of diverse structures of school-to-school cooperation in most cases was to improve the condition of students, eliminate educational injustice, synergy, share resources and expertise, and improve all educational and educational indicators in schools. School community members, especially principals, played an effective role in this situation. The findings of the research showed that if the members of the school community have enough motivation for school-to-school cooperation, common goals, and interests, and by delegation of the authority of schools, they can achieve academic achievement by exchanging experiences and educational equipment with other schools and they can help students and teachers' professional development. The findings had practical implications for the members of the school community: first, school-to-school cooperation cannot be effective until the members of the school community have a proper understanding of how students learn. Second, it shows that extra-school cooperation strengthens the tendency of schools to self-manage; one of the important actions of the principals in cooperation with other schools is to empower the members of the school community and prepare them to accept managerial responsibilities. Third, the findings of the present research confirm the importance of teamwork and group work culture; one of the best ways to motivate cooperation is to prepare a group reward plan and repeat team-building exercises.


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