Factors Affecting the Use of Cloud Computing in High School Education

Document Type : Scientific - Research


1 PhD Student in Educational Management, Department of Educational Sciences, Tonekabon Branch, University of Islamic Azad, Tonekabon, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Tonekabon Branch, University of Islamic Azad, Tonekabon, Iran


Objectives: The use of cloud computing technology is a new trend in today's world. Cloud computing is one of the new-generation information technologies that is becoming more and more popular in most countries. In recent years, many organizations are beginning to choose their cloud models. Educational institutions, especially universities and schools, cannot ignore the extensive benefits that cloud computing brings to them. They cannot also neglect to use them due to their growing trend in today's world.  The main purpose of this study is to identify the effective components of using this technology in high school education.
Materials and Methods:  The present study is conducted within the framework of a qualitative approach and using the grounded theory method. For the present study, 11 professors and experts in the field of cloud computing and educational management were semi-structured interviewed by purposive sampling. The analysis of the data from the interviews was done according to Strauss and Corbin's instructions (1390) with coding (open coding and axial coding.)
Discussion& Conclusions: Findings include 30 secondary codes and 13 main categories. Categories include the need for change in teaching methods, the usefulness of cloud tools, 21st-century requirements, the need for new technologies, human resources, organizational support, preparation of learning environment, innovative approach to public education, educational policy, providing education requirements, education promotion, educational justice, and financial resource management. Based on the findings of this study, it can be said that cloud computing technology can provide solutions to problems in the education system. Cloud computing enables users to easily control and access their training data via the Internet. Therefore, providing innovative educational systems focused on strengthening students' skills and developing their learning is essential for the ability to respond to ongoing challenges.


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