Analysis of Pedagogically-centered Leadership’ Indicators in Primary Schools

Document Type : Scientific - Research


1 Professor of Educational Management, Department of Education Sciences, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran.

2 MA of Educational Management, Department of Education Sciences, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran


Objective: The school leader is recognized as a variable that needs to be changed to improve the educational system; therefore, the general purpose of this research was to identify the symptoms of the pedagogically-centered leadership model as an emerging style of leadership in primary schools of Sanandaj city. Pedagogically-centered leadership can enable learners to design their representations of knowledge instead of absorbing preconceived representations of others.
Materials and Methods: The current research was applied and developmental in terms of purpose, and terms of qualitative approach, it was implemented with a descriptive phenomenology strategy. The participants of the research included 18 principals of primary schools in Sanandaj selected purposefully, and their views and experiences were collected using the three-stage phenomenological interview protocol separately as follows: 1. the first interview focused on the history of the participant's life and helped to establish the context of the participant's experience; 2. in the second interview, the focus was on the details of the participant's experiences, which asked the participant to reconstruct the details of the lived experiences related to the subject area within the context of what happened; 3. in the last interview, the researcher focused on thinking about the meaning of experiences. The data was analyzed using the Attride-Stirling theme network method. Finally, 42 basic themes, 18 organizing themes, and finally 8 inclusive themes were counted. Four themes "enrichment of the art of teaching, professional development/independence of teachers, constructivist approach to learning, and parents' intervention in children's education" were extracted as the symptoms of the education leader. Also, four characteristics of "seeking participation, activist of social justice and equal opportunities, valuing subcultures and leader of leaders" were identified as unique characteristics of an education-oriented leader.
Discussion and Conclusions: The data contained implicit implications: First, the implementation of this style of leadership in schools strongly requires major changes in the mental images of school community members. Including changing the paradigm of playing fixed roles to flexible, changing the paradigm of management to leadership, changing the paradigm of bureaucracy to specialization, changing the paradigm from teaching-oriented to learning-oriented, changing the paradigm of parental participation to parental intervention, and changing the paradigm of knowledge transfer to knowledge creation in students. Second, the results of the research emphasized the blended learning environment because today students need to be equipped with modern skills and technologies. In line with the implementation of this learning approach, in addition to equipping the environment with various facilities and resources, in-service trainings were also planned for teachers so that they could familiarize themselves with the abilities needed to use this approach. Finally, it is necessary to understand the teaching-learning process beyond its simple location in schools, and leaders should try not to use static and ineffective approaches and models, but to seek the link between the educational results of their schools with social realities and the needs of students, and try to fill educational gaps. Pedagogically-centered leadership can be created and developed in primary schools with three strategies; 1. selection of managers who have the unique characteristics of an education-oriented leader who is a leader of leaders, seeking participation, valuing subcultures, and an activist for social justice and equal opportunities; 2. selection of managers who can implement the mechanisms of pedagogically-centered leadership, i.e. enriching the art of teaching, developing and professional independence of teachers, adopting a constructivist approach to learning, and creating a platform for parents' involvement in children's education; 3. changing the mental images of school community members, which includes changing the image of managers from playing fixed roles to flexible roles, changing the image of managers from management to leadership, changing the image of managers from bureaucracy to specialization, changing the image of teachers from teaching-oriented to learning-oriented, changing the perception of parents from participating to interfering in their children's educational affairs at school and changing the perception of students from transferring knowledge to creating knowledge.


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