The education system and a ten-year lack of an operational model for evaluating the performance of the board of trustee's schools from the perspective of school-based management system

Document Type : Scientific - Research


1 Assistanat Professor, Educational Management, Islamic Azad University, Islamshahr Baranch, Islamshahr, Iran

2 Professor Education, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran


Objective: Today technological changes have had a significant impact on the constituent elements of the educational structure in a way that the educational system has inevitably been forced to adopt new approaches such as the implementation of school-based system in board of trustee’s schools. As an unavoidable requirement, it is believed that this system holds the key to solving a myriad of current educational problems. The basic aim of this research was to present an operational model for evaluating the performance of the board of trustee’s schools with regard to a ten-year lack in Iran’s education system from the perspective of school-based management system.
Materials and Methods: In terms of quality, the researcher has investigated the research subject, using the grounded theory, to identify the criteria and indicators of school-based management system so as to evaluate the performance of the board of trustee’s schools. The statistical community of research consisted of 20 planners and policy makers of the Ministry of Education especially public participation, faculty members from prestigious universities as well as managers and teachers of the board of trustee’s schools. Out of this pool, twelve members were finally selected to be interviewed under the title of the Delphi committee members. In this research, semi-structured interviews were used.
Discussion and Conclusion: The findings which were obtained from the analysis of qualitative data in-depth interviews with the participants ( Delphi committee members), and open, axial and selected coding as well as content analysis of the interviews showed that 12 categories and main factors, as participation, organizational commitment, flexibility, autonomy, devolution, accountability, responsibility, decentralization, mission, empowerment, restructuring and organizational culture, respectively  and 38 sub-factors were also identified. The research results demonstrate that the implementation of the school management system for evaluating the performance of the board of trustee's schools is at an intermediate and mediocre level. This study provides a model through which it can practically and concretely evaluate the performance and functions of these schools. In addition, this assessment can expedite the anti-decentralization process following a universal model of school-based management. In addition to paving the way and taking the current research model into account, it is essential that, in a long-term effort (at least 5 years) the preconditions become provided and implementation of the school-based management gradually take place in such schools.


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