An Evaluation of Organizational Effectiveness and Quality Performance of FARS Public and Private Organizations Training Office

Document Type : Scientific - Research


1 Faculty member of Shiraz University

2 Master of Education Management, Shiraz University

3 PhD student in Curriculum Planning, Shiraz University


The purpose of this study was to examine theorganizational effectiveness and quality performance of FARS public and private organization training offices. Statistical population consisted of all assistants, executive chiefs, training office managers and staffs, and organizational teachers of Fars public and private organizations. Study measures were two researcher – made questionnaires; organizational effectiveness and quality performance of training office. The validity calculated by factor analysis and item analysis methods and reliability calculated by Cronbach’s alpha method. The results showed: 1) From view point of assistants and executive chiefs; organizational effectiveness of training office and from view point oftraining office managers and staffs; quality performance of training office was atthe average level at public and private organizations. 2) Organizational effectiveness and quality performance of training office at public organizations was greater than private organizations. 3) There was a positive and significant relationship between organizational effectiveness and quality performance of training office. 4) Educational policy making dimension had the most important role in predicting organizational effectiveness of training office.


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