Internationalization of Education, Research and Professional Services in a University: the Case of an International University

Document Type : Scientific - Research


1 Master of Educational Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Management Management and Educational Planning, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Tehran, Iran.


The aim of this study was to survey the status of internationalization of this University regarding education, research and professional services functions. Hence data has been accumulated of the four statistical populations including senior managers, faculty members, students and staff using descriptive and analytic methods. Measurement tools included questionnaires which the researcher made. Required data has been collected from sampling of faculty members, students, staff and a complete census from senior managers. The information obtained was analyzes by using descriptive  and inferential statistics methods. The results show that at the case University, the current state of the internationalization of education and research functioning is relatively desirable and not desirable is the function of specialized services. Therefore, considering the aims of the University towards internationalization, major decisions should be made for developing and reinforcement of the international dimension of main functions like education, research and university services.


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