Presentation of a Model for personal mastery Internalization among Students of Universities and Higher Education Institutions

Document Type : Scientific - Research


1 Ph.D Graduate of Higher Educational Administration, Department of Higher Educational Administration, Islamic Azad University, Research Branch, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assoicate professor, Higher Educational Administration, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran.

3 Professor, Higher Educational Administration, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran.


Objective: This Research Aimed to Provide A Model For Institutionalizing The Personal Mastery of University Students And That of Higher Education Institutions in Iran. The Study Was Applied And Descriptive, Survey With Both Qualitative And Quantitative Parts (Mixed Method). For The Qualitative Phase of The First Study, The Theoretical Foundations, Literature of Research And The Main Components of Personal Mastery Concept Were Extracted For The Experts of Foreign And Domestic Universities to Assess. According to The Consensus of Their Opinions, A Model Was Then Designed to Develop the Dimensions, Components, And Indicators of A Researcher-Made Questionnaire.
Materials and Methods: In The Qualitative Section, The Sample of The First Stage Was of 7 Experts From Foreign Universities Targeted With The Codification of A Re-Response Questionnaire And, in The Second Stage, Was 15 Ones of Domestic And Non-Governmental Universities. Criteria For Entering Was The Scientific Level of Associate Professor-Up, And Compilation of Specialized Books Related to The Subject Under Study. Codification of The Questionnaire Was Determined Through Content Validity Analysis With CVR And CVI Indices, And The Delphi Technique Was Employed. Statistical Sample in Quantitative Part Included 380 Students of Islamic Azad University, at Science & Research Campus, Which Were Chosen Based on Cochran Formula. Sampling Method Was Relative Random Stratified. Analyzing Data Were Applied in Addition to Descriptive Statistics (Center Orientation Indicators), Inferential Tests, Exploratory Factor Analysis, Confirmatory Factor Analysis, One-Sample T-Test, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The Software Used Was Spss 22 And Lisrel 8.8.
Result and Discussion: Results in The Qualitative Phase Brought About 8 Dimensions, 16 Components And 95 Indicators Confirmed Through The Consensus of Experts Opinion. In The Quantitative Phase of The Results, Findings Through Sample T-Test Showed The Current Status of Students Personal Mastery. The Average Difference Observed in The Components Indicated of Forgiveness (0.42), Self-Awareness (0.37), Loving Yourself (0.99), Be Proactive (0.97), Practicing Discipline(0.82), Maintenance of  A Positive Mindset(0.93), Meta Cognition Self-Regulation Believes (0.81), Living With Documented Purposes (0.66), Among Which Dimension Loving Yourself Received The Highest StAndard Coefficient of The Bar Factor And Played the Most Role in The Personal Mastery of University Students. The Lowest StAndard And Lowest Role in Personal Mastery of University Students Went For Self-Awareness. In The Whole, Findings Showed That The Model of Institutionalization of Personal Mastery of Iranian University Students Was Including Following Dimensions: Forgiveness, Self- Awareness, Loving Yourself, Be Proactive, Practicing Discipline, Maintenance of A Positive Mindset, Meta Cognition Self-regulation Believes And Living With Documented Purposes.


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