The study of selection and organization of chemistry text book for grade one

Document Type : Scientific - Research


1 Faculty member of Shahid Beheshti University

2 Master student of Shahid Beheshti University


one of the most important steps in planning and preparation of curriculum plans is selection and organization of the content .The important part of the content is different subjects’ matters which shall be collected in numerous subjects and in books and present to the students. Since in Iranian Education system, text book prepared in credit basis for entire country thus shall be considered as an important fact. In the present research, we focus on the contents of Chemistry text book 1 from the view points of Tehran Chemistry Teachers. The main object is to attain the application rate of course planning principles in selection and organization of the books contents. Statistical society includes chemistry teachers in grade nine of high school in Tehran province who were teaching chemistry in the school year 2003-2004. Sample capacity is 171 statistical credits (teachers) and sampling method is classified clustering. The research regarding its applied goal and from view point of descriptive method is performed on field research basis. For collection of data, a questionnaire including 36 questions were used for distribution between statistical units. Also library studies were used in this research. The present research studied the book contents with present five researching questions.For analysis of data, descriptive statistical techniques were used and descriptive statistics also dedicated to chi- square test. The results are as follows:The content of Chemistry Book 1 is suitably prepared with expected goals, mental abilities and learners interest of the grade nine students. The book content in high rate has been present while consider the needs of the society and have considerable application in daily life and experience. The rate of application teaching - learning suitable strategies and general principles of  organization in the content of book is in mean rate.


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